Learn Python and Django Best Practices with
How to use the Django create superuser command
When it comes to managing the site you’re developing, Django includes a powerful admin interface that lets you interact with your site’s data more easily….
How to use Django order_by?
Sorting data stored in the database can often be crucial for your application. Luckily, Django has integrated methods over querysets that help us do that…
Django Reverse URL – reverse() function
Managing URLs in Django can become very cumbersome if you don’t employ the right tactic in the beginning. Imagine that you have to deal with…
Python Dictionary – Count Items, Keys and Values
Dictionary is a Python collection used to hold data as a key:value pairs, in some programming languages also known as a map. Keys are unique,…
How to Use the Python Math Ceil Function? (Examples)
Python math ceil function is one of many functions provided by Python’s math module. In this article, we’ll see how to use it through examples….
How to Use the Python Floor Function? (Examples)
Python’s math library is well stocked with many helpful functions. One of those is the Python floor function that will be discussed in this article….
How to use the Django create superuser command
When it comes to managing the site you’re developing, Django includes a powerful admin interface that lets you interact with your site’s data more easily….
How to use Django order_by?
Sorting data stored in the database can often be crucial for your application. Luckily, Django has integrated methods over querysets that help us do that…
Django Reverse URL – reverse() function
Managing URLs in Django can become very cumbersome if you don’t employ the right tactic in the beginning. Imagine that you have to deal with…